(Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle and Notice to Principle is Notice to Agent)
August 9, 2016 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
15th Day, Magnetic Moon, 1437 A.H. (Mayan 13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
To: Pope Francis – The Holy See of Peter, Vatican City State; Rome
Via John F. Kerry - Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Penny Pritzker – Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Jacob Lew – Secretary of Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Barack H. Obama Jr. – U.S. President/Chief Executive Officer
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Carolyn Colvin - Commissioner, Social Security Administration (H-Qtrs)
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000)
RE: Certificate of Live Berth/State Berth Certificate Number - - - - -
Property: Natural “Flesh and Blood” Asiatic Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant HUE-Child (Boy), now a HUE-Man (Adult), Naturally-Identified as - - - - - - - - - - - El, and Naturally-Serving as Affiant/Claimant in this particular document.
This is official notice of complete revocation of all signatures, marks, initials, and all agreements/contracts/documents associated with Certificate of Live Berth/State Berth Certificate Pledging Instrument, Number ------, made on --- --, 19-- A.D., granted from -------- -------- (Mother/Informant) and ----- ----- (Father/Informant), also known as alleged Grantor(s)/Pledgor(s), to STATE-OF- ------ DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, VITAL RECORDS REGISTRAR and CUSTODIAN (alleged “Grantee/Pledgee”), for the benefit of UNITED STATES Federal Corporation of year 1871 (“Beneficiary”), the pledging instrument having being unknowingly provided as security for an Artificial/Fictitious UNITED STATES Public Debt, owed by an Artificial/Fictitious UNITED STATES Public Person, in the principle amount of anywhere from SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (U.S. $650,000.00) to ONE MILLION DOLLARS (U.S. $1,000,000.00), pursuant to the U.S. Constitution “Unconstitutional” 14th Amendment, Section 4, for reasons of fraud and further concealment in fraud.
Definition of Pledge (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): n. 1. A formal promise or undertaking. 2. The act of providing something as security for a debt or obligation. 3. A bailment or other deposit of personal property to a creditor as security for a debt or obligation.
Definition of Security (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): n. 1. Collateral given or pledged to guarantee the fulfillment of an obligation; esp., the assurance that a creditor will be repaid (usually with interest) any money or credit extended to a debtor. 2. A person who is bound by some type of guaranty; surety.
Definition of District (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): 1. A territorial area into which a country, state, county, municipality, or other political subdivision is divided for judicial, political, electoral, or administrative purposes. 2. A territorial area in which similar local businesses or entities are concentrated, such as a theatre district, arts district, papal district, etc.
Definition of Register (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): n. 4. Ecclesiastical Law. A record book of significant events occurring in a parish, including marriages, births, christenings, and burials. - Registers became required in England around 1530.
Register vb. 1. To enter in a Public Registry. 2. To enroll formally. 3. To make a record of.
Definition of Parish (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): 1. In Louisiana, a governmental subdivision analogous to a county in other U.S. states. 2. Ecclesiastical Law. A division of a town or district, subject to the ministry of one pastor.
Definition of Bond (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): n. 1. An obligation; a promise. 2. A written promise to pay money or do some act if certain circumstances occur or a certain time elapses.
Bond vb. 1. To secure payment by providing a bond. 2. To provide a bond for.
According to Edward Mandell House, in a private meeting with U.S. President/C.E.O. Woodrow Wilson (Presidential Term from 1913-1921):
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us, will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Edward M. House
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward M. House was Wilson's chief advisor on European politics and diplomacy during World War I (1914–18) and at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.
Edward M. House was a member of Alpha Delta Phi, a fraternity with its roots as a Literary society founded at Hamilton College in 1832.
In 1912, House published anonymously a novel called Philip Dru: Administrator, in which the title character, Dru, leads the democratic western U.S. in a civil war against the plutocratic East, becoming the dictator of America. Dru as dictator imposes a series of reforms which resemble the Bull Moose platform of 1912 and then vanishes.
Wilson gave House the responsibility for preparing a constitution for a League of Nations
House helped Wilson outline his Fourteen Points and worked with the president on the drafting of the Treaty of Versailles and the Covenant of the League of Nations. House served on the League of Nations Commission on Mandates with Lord Milner and Lord Robert Cecil of Great Britain, Henri Simon of France, Viscount Chinda of Japan, Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, and George Louis Beer as adviser. On May 30, 1919 House participated in a meeting in Paris, which laid the groundwork for establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The “De jure” Continental United States of America (of 1787) was a Republic.
Definition of Republic
The Soldier’s Training Manual TM2000 United States War Department – November 30, 1928 (TM2000-25: 120-121)
“Authority is derived through the election by the People of Public Officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within it’s compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.”
The “De facto” UNITED STATES Federal Corporation (of 1871) is a Democracy.
Definition of Democracy
The Soldier’s Training Manual TM2000 United States War Department – November 30, 1928 (TM2000-25: 118-120)
“A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic – negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.”
Definition of Mobocracy (Oxford Universal Dictionary – 1933): 1. Government by a Mob. 2. The Mob as a Ruling Body.
Constitution for the United States of America
Article IV, Section 4
Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion …
Definition of Invasion (Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language - 2nd College Edition):
a) an entering or being entered by an attacking military force, b) an intrusion or infringement, c) the onset or appearance of something harmful or troublesome, as a disease
Basicly, the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation (created in year 1871) has Cunningly/Brutally-Invaded the Land and People of North America like an Unseen Hand.
The UNITED STATES Federal Corporation (created in the year 1871) is a Private Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Trust as evidenced by the Unconstitutional U.S. 14th Amendment being Private Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Trust Law. This would mean that UNITED STATES Federal Corporation is an Agent/Instrumentality of the Holy See of Peter; The Roman Catholic Christian Church; Vatican City State; Rome. The 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen is Papal Property and is a Papal Subject (Papacy of Rome).
Since the "National Emergency in Banking," otherwise known as the Publicly-Declared U.S. Bankruptcy in 1933 (when the Pope of Rome stole all of the People’s Gold), "Money" is Credit – the People’s Credit - backed by the People’s Collateral or the People’s Promise. When one unknowingly signs a Certificate of Live Berth and receives a State Berth Certificate (which is a promise to pay a debt), it becomes MONEY! There is no difference between Federal Reserve Fiat Currency Notes and the Certificate of Live Berth/State Berth Certificate (Promissory Note) in which one gives the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation in Washington, D.C./District of Columbia. UNITED STATES Fiat “Legal Tender” Currency, otherwise known as Federal Reserve Notes, are only authorized to be created (issued) when a Natural Baby’s Birth is instantly and unknowingly converted into a Commercial Berth and firstly, registered at U.S. Department of Commerce, and secondly, bonded at U.S. Department of Treasury as evidenced by the Private Bond Serial Number on the back of the Newly-Created U.S. Person’s Social Security Card. The Natural Baby’s Natural Birth is the collateral that is backing U.S. Currency. Federal Reserve Notes, a Promissory Note, and the Certificate of Live Berth/State Berth Certificate all represent a Natural Person’s Credit.
Any Power-of-Attorney which has fraudulently presumably transferred by way of the Non-Valid Security Pledging Instrument to UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, is hereby revoked and rescinded. Any and all further Commercial use of the U.S. Public Legal Entity Person known as “----- ----- -----/---- ------ ---- ---- --”, including all accounts requiring the designated Social Security Number, will continued to be accessed as a bear necessity for survival, by force, under the conditions of State-Sponsored Threat, Duress, and Coercion. All signatures, while accessing all said accounts for the above-mentioned U.S. Legal Person, will be expressly-coded with the expressed written words/initials “Under T.D.C.” or “Under Threat, Duress, and Coercion. This Dire Commercial Situation will exist and persist until “Affiant/Claimant” (---- ------ ---- ---- El) is fully restored with Substance-Backed Lawful Money preferably in the form of Gold-Backed Bearer-Bonds, to be utilized in everyday commerce.
Affidavit/Affirmation of Fact(s) regarding Multiple Counts of Various Fraud pertaining to U.S. Citizenship
“Truth is expressed by means of an Affidavit and an Unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth”
“Indeed, no more than affidavits is necessary to make the prima facie case”
Respondent(s): Pope Francis – The Holy See of Peter, Vatican City State; Rome
Via John F. Kerry - Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Penny Pritzker – Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Jacob S. Lew – Secretary of Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Barack H. Obama Jr. – U.S. President/Chief Executive Officer
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000),
Carolyn Colvin - Commissioner, Social Security Administration (H-Qtrs)
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 00000000000000000000)
Glossary of Terms
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Ancient Law: “The law of antiquity, considered especially either from an anthropological stand point or from the standpoint of tracing precursors to Modern Law.”
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Natural Law: 1. A physical law of nature. 2. A philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a universalized conception of human nature or divine justice rather than from legislative or judicial action.
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Aboriginal Title: “Land ownership, or a claim of land ownership, by an indigenous people in a place that has been colonized.”
Definition of American: n. An Aboriginal or one of the Various Copper-Colored Natives found on the Continent by the Europeans; the original application of the name. – Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language and 1936 Webster’s Unabridged 20th Century Dictionary
Anthropology: n. the study of Man, esp. of the variety, physical and cultural characteristics, distribution, customs, social relationships, etc. – Webster’s New World Dictionary (Second College Edition)
The word Indigenous according to Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 1935 states:
Indigenous: “(1) Born in, a Native of a Country. (2) To bear, to produce naturally. Syn. Original, Aboriginal, Native.”
Aboriginal according to the Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition:
Ab-o-rig’i-nal – First Original. The First Inhabitants of a Country
Status: defined by the Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition:
Status: “The rights, the duties, the capacities and incapacities, which determines a person’s relationship to a given class”
The word Class as defined according to the Black’s Law Dictionary:
Class: ”A group of persons, things, qualities, or activities, having common characteristics or attributes.”
1. Moor / Muur / Maur is the rightful and correct name of the Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant HUE-Peoples of North America and Americana (the Adjoining Islands) who possess the Default Natural Characteristics of Wooly or Bushy-Hair, Wide Noses, Thick Lips, and Full Melanin Hue Pigmentation in their skin.
2. Moor / Muur / Maur is the ancient, before the “Great Christian Book Burnings”; before forced and reconstructed history; and prior to the Revolution and the Union of 1863 A.D.
3. The name Moor/Muur/Maur supersedes the Modern Nomenclatures such as “Indians”, “Africans”, “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.
4. Moors/Muurs/Maurs, in direct relation to the Natural Asiatic Original “HUE-Man” Family, are Anthropologically-Connected and Anthropologically-Entitled to the North, South, Central Americas (and the Adjoining Islands), as the De jure Ancestral Custodians and Caretakers of the Natural Organic Continental-American Land, by way of Birthright and Inheritance, due to the Genealogical Evidence of their particularly-distinct Genotype, Phenotype, and Blood-type, which is Homogenous on the entire Natural Earth Planet.
5. The “Fountain of Youth”, as sought by many, who came to “The North Gate” (North America) in the early part of contemporary North American History, is in reference to the Moorish/Muurish/Maurish High Culture Science, involving a working knowledge of the Twelve (12) Signs of the Zodiac, Geometry, and Navigation.
6. This is why many historians equate the Proper Noun and Natal Name Moor/Muur/Maur with the verb Navigate as there would be no British/English/U.S. Navy without the Superb Navigational Knowledge and Navigational Skills of the Moors.
7. Evidence of the Moors/Muurs/Maurs Highly-Influential Status and Historically-Documented Relationship with the Colonizing European Christian Nations is suggested and highlighted in the lyrics of the song by Recording Artist Stevie Wonder, entitled “Misrepresented People”, which clearly says “In 1492 you came to these shores, seven hundred years, educated by the Moors.”
8. The doctrines decreed by Roman Catholic Christian Popes, via the Holy See of Peter, beginning in 1452, were adopted by Britain/England (otherwise known as European Pale “White” Christian Nations as well as being referred to as Colonial Powers) for the purpose of providing them with a legal cover to pillage and destroy Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich “Non-White” Civilizations throughout the Americas and around the world, whose inhabitants were indiscriminately slaughtered, enslaved, raped, dehumanized, denationalized, forcefully-assimilated, etc., by the tens of thousands, to the tune of approximately Fifteen (15) Million Native Aboriginal Indigenes, in America, being decimated in approximately Forty (40) Years.
9. Roman Catholic Christian Popes, and Colonizing European Christian “White” Nations, through the Holy See of Peter and Vatican City-State (Rome), are using Christianity to wedge their way into criminal conquests in which the Natural Asiatic “Non-Whites” in America and around the world have been and are still being forcefully-assimilated to a Genetically-Recessive Patriarchal ‘White” Male Mythical Ideological Lie that is abominably-disdainful, disrespectful, and unnatural to Mother (Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Mother Universe, etc.) and is in Grave Contempt of Nature’s God and Nature’s Law (Nature’s Law otherwise known as Natural Law).
10. According to the United States of America Supreme Court Decision Johnson v. M’Intosh, 21 U.S. 543 (1823), the United Kingdom had operated under the doctrinal theory of Christian Expansion and possessions of newly discovered lands when the United Kingdom took title to the Natural Organic Continental-American Lands which constituted the United States of America (former British Colonies) when the British discovered them as well as the exploration charters given to European Pale “White” John Cabot on March 5, 1496, by European Pale “White” Henry VII of England (England being an English-Speaking Nation of a so-called Christian Empire).
11. In 1871, U.S. Congress created a Corporation as evidenced by recordation in the United States Statutes at Large, 41st Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, February 21, 1871, where one finds “an Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia…a Body Corporate for Municipal Purposes…” (1st paragraph), in which Seven (7) Years later, this Act was further clarified in the 45th Congress, Session II, Chapter 180, June 11, 1878, where it reads “An Act providing for a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia…the permanent seat of government of the United States…shall remain and continue a Municipal Corporation” (1st Paragraph).
12. Title 28 USC § 3002 (15): “United States” means – (A) a Federal Corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
13. The New Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity “Corporate” U.S. Public Citizen has a peculiar standing, or lack thereof, a few examples being: (1) may not by law exercise a First Amendment Right to question the validity of a United States Obligation pursuant to U.S. Constitution, Amendment 14 Section 4, (2) means citizen of the UNITED STATES and not a person generally, nor Citizen of State Republic, (3) is analogous to the term subject in the Common Law, (4) is a “Person” as defined under Title 26 USC § 7701(a) which includes a corporation, trust, partnership, etc., (5) pursuant to Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(d), is an individual issued a Social Security Account Number…for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act, and (6) may be classified as property, as a franchise of the Federal Government, and as an individual entity (see Wheeling Steel Corporation v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193).
14. Christian “Black” Codes were established by the Roman Catholic Christian Church, and it’s many various agents and instrumentalities, to hold Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics (So-called “Blacks”), in the Americas and around the world, to a perpetual conditional state of Servitude, Statelessness, Degradation, Dehumanization, Poverty, Ungodliness, Low Class, etc., which is no doubt continued Religious Persecution and continued Religious Warfare as these Diabolical Racist “Black” Codes are still in effect today as evidenced by the Nazi KKK “Roman-Soldier Policy-Men and Policy-Women (otherwise known as Police), specifically in North America, still describing and denoting Fictitious Defendant U.S. Persons on their Bogus Police Reports as “Black” Male and “Black” Female and are still shooting down Natural Asiatics (so-called “Blacks”) in Cold Blood.
15. Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics (so-called “Negroes”, “Blacks”, “Coloreds”, “Afro/African-Americans”, etc.), in America and around the world, are Native Aboriginal Indigenous to the Natural Organic Continental-Lands of all of the known Major Continents around the Natural World (especially and including North America).
16. The Civil Rights Act of April 9, 1866, which disingenuously served to make Naturalized U.S. Citizens out of persons, specifically of so-called African Descent, is repugnant to the Naturalization Clause, Article One, Section Eight, Clause Four, of the Constitution for the United States of America Republic (and all treaties made).
17. The Unconstitutional 13th,14th, and 15th Amendments, which are appropriately known in history as the three (3) Dead Badges of Law, are absolutely of no favorable use to Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics (so-called “Blacks”) in North America or anywhere around the world.
18. The 14th Amendment is Private Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Trust Law and constitutes a Constructive Cestui Que Trust (also known as Public Charitable Trust, “PCT”), that was expressly designed to bring every Corporate Franchise Artificial/Fictitious Person, now known as a citizen of the UNITED STATES, into an inseparable merging with the newly-formed State Corporation Governments and U.S. Federal Corporation Government, which both were formulated after U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) and the secession of many various State Republics, suspending the Republic.
19. In the year 19-- A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar), 1385 A.H. (Marrakesh Calendar), the Natural Birth of the Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich Native Indigenous Aboriginal Child, ----- ----- ----- (Name eventually appropriately-corrected to ---- ------ ---- ---- El), was instantly converted to a Commercial Berth in order for the child’s energy to be used, unknowingly to the Natural Parent and/or the Natural Child, as a Human Resource for the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, as evidenced by STATE-OF- ------- Certificate of Live Berth Number -----.
20. The Newly-Created U.S. Commercial Person “----- ----- -----/---- ------ ---- --”, was then submitted on a Socialist Security Application for benefits within one (1) of ten (10) Social Security Districts created in 1935, creating a New Federal Overlay Area, for the purpose of the U.S. Federal Corporation to tax all of it’s Commercial/Corporate U.S. Debtor Citizens.
21. On the front of the Socialist Security Cards of “----- ----- -----” and “---- ------ ---- ---- --” there is the Nine (9)-Digit Public Number but on the back is a Private Bond Serial Number which the first character, being a letter of the English Alphabet, traces to one (1) of the twelve (12) Federal Reserve District Banks and that same distinctively-formatted number actually appears on the front of every Federal Reserve “Fiat Currency Note” U.S. Dollar Bill.
22. The Private Bond Serial Number on the back of the Socialist Security Card indicate that the Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity “U.S. Citizen” Public Person on the front of the card has been Commercially-Bonded at U.S. Department of the Treasury located at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C./District of Columbia.
23. The Naturally-Birthed “Flesh and Blood” Child (in this case “---- ------ ---- ---- El”), who is actually the source of energy of and to the Newly-Created U.S. Public Legal-Entity Person (in this case “----- ----- -----/---- ------ ---- ---- --”), is unknowingly held in Hue-man Bondage, as Hue-man Collateral, for a U.S. Taxable Debt in which he had no clue about, even after ratifying the same unknowingly at U.S. Legal Age of Sixteen (16) or Eighteen (18).
24. Regarding the Artificial/Fictitious U.S. Legal Entity Public Person known as “----- ----- -----”, the Private Bond Serial Number on the back of this particular Socialist Security Card reflects “E--------” in which the E signifies that the bond was commercially-acquired and is being commercially-housed at the Federal Reserve District Bank of Richmond, 701 E. Byrd Street, Virginia, VA 23219.
25. Regarding the Artificial/Fictitious U.S. Legal Entity Public Person known as “---- ------ ---- ---- --”, the Private Bond Serial Number on the back of this particular Socialist Security Card reflects “F--------” in which the F signifies that the bond was commercially-acquired and is being commercially-housed at the Federal Reserve District Bank of Atlanta, 100 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30309.
26. Pursuant to Full Disclosure being one (1) of the Generally-Known Principles of a Valid Contract, both the State/U.S. Berth Contract (Primary Fraud) and Socialist Security Contract (Secondary Fraud) are illegal, as ---- ------ ---- ---- El, as a Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatic who is Native Indigenous Aboriginal to the Americas and around the world, has not been disclosed that he was unknowingly frauded/manipulated into serving as surety for and accommodation party to an Artificial/Fictitious U.S. Legal Entity Person which exists only in the Imaginary Make-Believe World known as the Public and whose only creation and function is to be a Slave Debtor, otherwise known as Debt Peonage, to an unpayable U.S. Tax Slave-Debt which grows astronomically everyday.
27. Nature is a Credit to it’s Natural Creations of the Natural Earth and Nature deals with Real Tangible Substance which is Naturally-Experienced and Naturally-Acknowledged.
28. Nature does not support or deal in Artificially-Manufactured Debt (which has been Artificially-Manufactured and/or Artificially-Manipulated by Man or KIND-of-a-Man [otherwise known as Man-KIND]).
29. In the U.S. Federal Corporation, Debt is Money and Money is Debt.
30. Debt is Sin and Sin is Debt.
31. For the wages of sin (debt) is death but the gift of nature (credit) is life and life more abundantly.
32. Natural People are not naturally-born or naturally-birthed into Sin (Debt), Natural People are Commercially-Born/Commercially-Berthed, otherwise known as Commercially-Frauded, into Sin (Debt).
33. U.S. Artificial/Fictitious “Corporate” Debt has been unknowingly unleashed on the North American Natural People, through U.S. Citizenship, as an act of Commercial-War in which the Natural People have been Commercially-Conquered (Commercially-Enslaved) under Emergency War Powers/Military Rule/Martial Law, and Totalitarian Dictatorship, to ensure that the Artificial Debt will be paid, especially at the threat of being transported to and warehoused in a U.S. Debtor’s Prison (U.S. Debtor’s Prison otherwise known as U.S. Jail and/or State Concentration Camp).
34. It has been gravely warned and utterly predicted that “U.S. CITIZENS WILL BE TAXED TO DEATH”.
35. Inflation is a tax (according to Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at and a tax is a fee which ultimately means that the word fee is the root of the word feudal and the definition of the word feudal or feudalism being “the economic, political, and social system in Medieval Europe, in which land, worked by serfs (slaves) who were bound to it, was held by vassals in exchange for military and other services given to the overlords.”
36. Feudalism deals with a King/Queen or Sovereign or Ruler in which the Pope of Rome (Head of the Roman Catholic Christian Church), through the Holy See (“Seat”) of Peter, by way of Vatican City State, has declared himself as the absolute only sovereign on the Planet Earth and actually claims to be GOD on Earth.
37. “All roads lead to the Papacy of Rome” (Papacy/Papal as in Papa as in Father or Daddy as in Patriarchal as in “White” Male Rule and “White” Male Domination).”
38. “Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar”.
39. Fraud vitiates all contracts.
40. U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry is a member of Yale’s Skull and Bones Secret Society (along with Former U.S. Presidents/C.E.O.s George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr.).
41. Current U.S. President/C.E.O. Barack Hussein Obama Jr. indulged in the act of formulating a State Berth Certificate in STATE-OF-HAWAII Corporation (bearing the Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity Corporate Name “BARACK OBAMA”) in order for that Newly-Created Imaginary Make-Believe Public Person (“BARACK OBAMA”) to then become President of U.S. Federal Corporation, as only a Corporate Construct may cooperate and communicate with any other Corporate Construct.
42. Current U.S. President/.C.E.O. Barack Hussein Obama Jr., through his European Pale ‘White” English Mother Stanley Ann Durham, is a Christian Crusader, and he, through his U.S. Presidency, is therefore serving the Christian-Crusader Colonial Interests of the continued rape, robbery, theft, murder, denationalization, forced assimilation, etc. of Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics (so-called “Black”) in America and around the world.
43. Affiant’s Race Designation is Natural Asiatic Melanin-Rich HUE-Man (possessing the Natural Default Characteristics of Full Melanin Hue Pigmentation in his skin)
44. Affiant’s Nationality is “Muurican” (otherwise known as “Maurikano” and/or “Mooreno”).
45. Affiant’s Status-at-Law is Sovereign Freehold-by-Inheritance and Free WHITE Person on the Land (“White” referring strictly to a Political Status of being clean, pure, and clear of any Colorable/Color-of-Law Politically-Dirty Stains or Politically-Unclean Blemishes).
46. Affiant is not Englishman, Albion, European, Christian, Roman, Catholic, Roman Catholic, Negro, Black, Colored, Afro/African-American, Indian, West Indian, Puerto Rican, Alien, Immigrant, Foreigner, Colonizer, Debtor, Taxpayer, Minor, Minority, Ward, Slave, Peon, U.S. Citizen, U.S. Subject, U.S. Resident, etc.
47. The Roman Catholic Christian Church, by way of the Pope of Rome, through the Ecclesiastical Organization known as The Holy See of Peter, operating directly from Vatican City State, disingenuously claims that it’s mission is to announce the truth of the Gospel for the salvation of all humanity and in the service of peace and justice in favor of all peoples. but this same Church is documented to be known to have brutally maimed, raped, terrorized, and murdered many various Native Indigenous Aboriginals (under the Inquisitional Charge of Heresy and Heretic Tribunals) just for them Naturally-Exercising their Natural Right to choose and practice their own religion of their ancestral foremothers and forefathers.
48. UNITED STATES Federal Corporation (created in year 1871) is incorporated in England (otherwise known as “British Crown”) and England is an agent/instrumentality of the Holy See of Peter; The Roman Catholic Christian Church; Vatican City State; Rome.
49. It is absolutely clear that the Roman Catholic Christian Church (otherwise known as the Holy See of Peter), through the Popes of Vatican City State (Rome), use the Concocted-Religion of Christianity as a tool to wedge it’s way into Criminal Conquests.
50. Everyone must worship under their own Vine and Fig Tree.
I, ---- ------ ---- ---- El, a Real Live “Flesh and Blood” Breathing Non-Fictional Natural Being, born of a Natural Mother, otherwise known throughout this document as Affiant/Claimant, do solemnly, sincerely, and squarely affirm that all of the foregoing is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, culture, customs, and beliefs; being actual, correct, not misleading, etc.; and being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I affirm that I am competent to make this affidavit. I hereby affix my own signature to all of the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservation of all my Native Indigenous Aboriginal Rights to the Natural Organic Continental-American Land (including the Adjoining Islands and British-Mandated Canada Corporation where England currently does Crooked/Shady Business) and my specific right not to be bound by any U.S./Papal “Contract” or U.S./Papal “Obligation” which I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion.
I make these affirmations in direct relation to Ancient Law and Natural Law with the intentional purposes of instantly reclaiming Aboriginal Title to the North, South and Central Americas (including the Adjoining Islands and British-Mandated Canada Corporation where England currently does Crooked/Shady Business) and immediately restoring True Bloodline, Proud Lineage, Natural Birthrights, Ancient Customs, Ancestral Traditions, etc., to be effectively enacted, displayed and utilized in absolutely all areas of people/hue-man activity (those areas of people/hue-man activity being Labor, Law, Politics, Entertainment, Education, Economics, Religion, Sex, Warfare, Healthcare, etc.).
I solemnly affirm these statements above to be true and correct to the best of my ability, under penalties of perjury and directly before the Magnificent Creator/Creatress of the Awesome Universe, on this _____ day, of the ______________ month, _____ year A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar), _____day, _______________ moon, _______ A.H. (Mayan 13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
---- ---- El Autograph and Certification Mark (Right Thumb)
In Proper Person/Sui Juris/De jure
All Native Indigenous Aboriginal Rights Reserved
Notice of Claim For Damages in relation to Multiple Counts of Various Fraud pertaining to U.S. Citizenship
Glossary of Terms
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Claim: n. 1. The aggregate of operative facts giving rise to a right enforceable by a court. - Also termed Claim for Relief. 2. The assertion of an existing right; any right to payment or to an equitable remedy, even if contingent or provisional. 3. A demand for money, property, or a legal remedy to which one asserts a right.
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Damage: adj. Of or relating to monetary compensation for loss or injury to a person or property
Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Abridged Edition) Definition of Fraud: n. 1. A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment.
The Multiple Counts of Various Fraud are as follow:
1. Constructive Fraud
In direct relation the U.S. Bankruptcy of 1933, The States/Colonies pledged their People Citizens as collateral to satisfy a debt to the International Bankers and Creditors. State People Citizens were pledged against loans and Municipal Bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve District Banks. State Berth Certificates are a Marketable Security on the New York Stock Exchange and other World Financial Markets. State Berth Certificates in fact created a State Trust with the State Corporation and/or Federal Corporation being the Beneficiary of this Trust and the State and/or Federal Officers being the Trustees of this Trust. The Series of numbers on the “Original” Certificate of Live Berth are a Security Stock Exchange Number on the World Stock Exchange (International Financial Markets).
2. Fraud on the Contract
The Natural Mother and Natural Father had absolutely no clue of the exact terms and conditions to this State Berth Certificate Negotiable Financial Trust Instrument. One of the principles of a valid contract is FULL DISCLOSURE.
3. Fraud in the Factum
The Unconscionable State Berth Certificate Contract was literally equivalent to two (2) Blind People signing a Mortgage and being told that it is just a blank letter.
4. Fraud in the Inducement
The State Berth Certificate was/is a misrepresentation which lead the Natural Mother and Natural Father to enter into a transaction with a false impression of the risks or duty relied on, thereby injuring the other party (“Affiant/Claimant”) without vitiating the contract itself.
5. Fraudulent Conveyance
The State Berth Certificate Contract resulted in a deceptive transfer of the “Flesh and Blood” Child where the Natural Child was unknowingly placed (abandoned) into a State Trust, as the actual object of consideration, by way of the unaware actions of the Natural Parents. One of the other principles of a valid contract is consideration.
6. Fraudulent Conversion
The Natural “Flesh and Blood” Child was fraudulently converted to a Perpetual Debtor SLAVE and a surety for and accommodation party to the “All-Capital-Lettered Name” Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity Corporate Person who is displayed on the State Berth Certificate. The State manipulated the Natural Parents to place their own child into Commercial/Financial Bond-age or Bondage (otherwise known as “Debt Peonage/Slavery”).
The Damaged Person (otherwise known as “Affiant/Claimant”), by way of these multiple counts of various fraud pertaining to U.S. Citizenship, is hereby noticing Pope Francis – The Holy See of Peter, Vatican City State; Rome, Via John F. Kerry - Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State, et. al, of the Biological, Spiritual, Intellectual Theft of Inalienable Rights, Rights also known as Property, by way of conversion, as evidenced by the Affiant’s Natural Energy as a Natural Child, being unknowingly abandoned/forfeited, to the Monetary/Commercial/Political Gain of Respondent (and/or respondent’s assigns, successors, agents, affiliates, etc.). The Natural Energy of Affiant is ultimately priceless, but for the sake of this Affidavit Document, the total damage amount is hereby expressly-stated and hereby expressly-written as $100,000,000,000,000 (One Hundred Trillion Dollars), in Lawful Substance Money which is backed by Real Tangible Assets of Substance, including but not limited to Gold, Silver, etc.
Affiant/Claimant demands to be restored in Gold-Backed Bearer-Bonds (or equivalent) which is known to be issued only from such supposedly sovereign entities on the planet such as Vatican Bank or such other supposedly sovereign agents such as Bank of England, Bank of International Settlements, etc., etc., etc.
Your failure to fully and properly respond, with a Point-for-Point Affidavit Response within Twenty-One (21) Days, will act to serve as declaratory judgment and declaratory relief in favor of Affiant/Claimant (---- ------ ---- ---- El), will be prima facie evidence, and will forever banish this matter stare decisis from any judicial court of law or court of equity with Affiant/Claimant (---- ------ ---- ---- El) availing himself as the defendant in this matter.
If and when respondent does not respond in the allotted timeframe expressly stated in this affidavit document, pursuant to the Law Maxim which says “Silence is a form Acquiescence and Acquiescence is a form of Admission”, the said claim will then be perfected in the interest of Affiant/Claimant, that perfected interest then becoming an account receivable which will further be able to be sold, transferred, borrowed against, gifted, monetized, willed, discounted, bonded, etc., most likely through some sort of a Spiritual Assembly (Ecclesiastical Entity/Religious Organization) and/or it’s Subsequent Entity/Sub-Entity, specifically at the Discretional Choice of Affiant/Claimant.