by Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El
Acknowledging the North American Organic Land, where UNITED STATES, CANADA, and MEXICO have made Fraudulent Bogus (Impossible) Claims, and are currently conducting Fraudulent Crooked Shady Business, to actually and factually, by way of proper designation, to be that of Turtle Island, Land of the Frogs, muu-lan, Amexem, Al Moroc, Al Maghrib Al Aqsa, Egypt-of-the-West, etc..
WHEREAS, we, the People of the United States (the United States then being referred to as "Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos"), are the People of the land: the Native Indigenous Natural Asiatic Aboriginal Sovereign People (so-called "Negroes", "Blacks", "Coloreds", "Afro/African-Americans", "Indians", etc.) of the Al Morocs (Americas) who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern Shores of Africa (Al Moroc); and
WHEREAS, the Americas run from Alaska to Argentina (Patagonia) including the Adjoining Islands; and
WHEREAS, we, the People of the United States, otherwise known as the People of the Land, are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites - the Moors/Muurs/Maurs; and
WHEREAS, Moors/Muurs/Maurs, from the North to the South, are the Al Moroccans (the Americans) - North, South, and Central; and
WHEREAS, the United States is the First (1st) Party (Entity) in the Preamble of the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the United States of America is the Juristic Act (Guild of European Companies) and is the Chartered Second (2nd) Party (Entity) in the Preamble of the Constitution, in a Political State of Union (Unity); and
WHEREAS, the United States (1st Party) did ordain and establish the said constitution for the United States of America (Chartered 2nd Party), a Republican Form of Government, upon the "Positive Law" Jurisprudence-Characteristics, as derived and descended down from the very Ancient Governmental Principles, which pre-existed with the Aboriginal Ancient Ones of the Americas; and
WHEREAS, proof of the existence of the Natural Asiatic Native Indigenous Aboriginal Ancient Ones of the Americas (so-called "Negroes", "Blacks", "Coloreds", Afro/African-Americans", etc.) is in the Historical Documents, Eye-Witness Reports, Mural epigraphy depicting the Phenotype, Genetics, DNA, Oral Traditions, etc.; and
WHEREAS, in honor of those Ancient Ones of the Americas, the "Key" members of the Founding Fathers of the Contemporary United States Republic have traditionally worn the "Corona Sol (Sun-Crown)" of "Fez" or "Tarboosh" or "Tiara" Headdress in Masonic-Ceremonious Fashion, accentuating their studious preparation, instruction, studies, and qualifications for organized government; and
WHEREAS, in 1861, Seven (7) States, then a total of Eleven (11) States, seceded from the Union known as the United States of America Republic (Republican Form of Government) which then fell short of the necessary quorum and thereby ended the De jure U.S.A. Congress, which ultimately served to officially-suspend the United States of America Republic; and
WHEREAS, the Civil Rights Act of April 9, 1866, which disingenuously-served to make persons, specifically of so-called African Descent, Naturalized U.S. Citizens, is repugnant to the Naturalization Clause, Article One, Section Eight, Clause Four, of the Constitution for the United States of America Republic (Republic Form of Government); and
WHEREAS, with the U.S. Civil War of 1861-1865 and the Secession of States, the Constitution for the United States of America Republican Form of Government, and all treaties made (The Supreme Law of the Land), was sabotaged and ultimately rendered null and void; and
WHEREAS, the Unconstitutional U.S. 14th Amendment Fraudulently-Offered to make a New Artifical Fictitious Legal Entity "Corporate/Commercial" Person which only exist in the Imaginary Make-Believe World known as the Public; and
WHEREAS, in 1871, without the authorization of we the People, a De facto U.S. Congress created and Artificial Legal Entity Corporate/Commercial Person known as UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, to serve strictly as a government for the District of Columbia and not a government of and by "We the People"; and
WHEREAS, Dead People (Artificial Fictitious Legal Entity "Corporate/Commercial" persons such as the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen, STATE-OF-OHIO Corporation, and UNITED STATES Federal Corporation created in the year 1871) hold no title and make no claims; and
WHEREAS, UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, created in year 1871, and all of it's Many Various Agents and Sub-Agents, possess no land and deals in no substance; and
WHEREAS, UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, created in the year 1871, and all of it's Many Various Agents and Sub-Agents, is an Illegal Public-Front Psychological-Operation (also known to be referred to as a "Psy Op"); and
WHEREAS, Artificial Fictitious Legal Entity "Corporate/Commercial" Persons such as the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen, STATE-OF-OHIO Corporation, and UNITED STATES Federal Corporation created in year 1871, are Names-of-War (Nom de Guerre) and therefore is an Act-of-War on the "We the People" of North America to steal the People's Natural Organic Land (Natural Resources) and to steal the People's Natural Human Energy (Human Resources); and
WHEREAS, Native Aboriginal Indigene Nanya Shaabu El (Chief of the At-Sik-Hata Clan of the Yamassee Nation of Moors/Muurs/Maurs, by way of Export Declaration: RA276919258US - U.S. Department of State Authentication Number 060201440-3 of May 22, 2006 (signed by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice), did act to export UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, CANADA Corporation, and MEXICO Corporation, into the Atlantic Ocean, which is in the sea of Admiralty/Maritime Commerce, bound by the Law of Water, due to their dealings in Negotiable Instruments which further prevents them from being Sovereign Entities of Natural Substance disqualifying them from conforming to any Law of Natural Organic Land; and
WHEREAS, July 25, 2006, two months after said Export Document was authenticated as U.S. Department of State (via U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice) by the Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Chief Nanya Shaabu El, UNITED STATES Postmaster General John Potter allegedly left a laptop, containing over 280 Million U.S. Zip Codes, in a Taxicab which resulted in U.S. Officials not ruling out the possibility that every Corporate Person in UNITED STATES Federal Corporation might have to move; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Representative Kanjorski on C-span, in a youtube video entitled "$550 Billion Disappeared in Electronic Run on the Banks," in direct relation to Export Document authenticated at U.S . Department of State (via U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice) by the Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Chief Nanya Shaabu El, stated "someone through us (U.S.) in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a Life raft and we must swim to shore and we do not know what shore to swim to ("; and
WHEREAS, on May 22, 2009 C-Span Interview Transcript, with host Steve Scully, UNITED STATES President/C.E.O. Barack Obama stated, in a response to Steve Scully's comment on the current U.S. deficit of $11 Trillion and the concern of U.S. running out of money, "We (U.S.) are out of money now, we (U.S.) are operating in Deep Deficits"; and
WHEREAS, The Artificial Fictitious 14th Amendment U.S. Legal Entity Citizen known as "ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL", as evidenced by STATE-OF-GEORGIA Certificate of Live Berth Number 26433 and Social Security Number xxx-xx-2303, has been officially-exposed, challenged, and vitiated, in a document by Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El, entitled "Notice of Fraudulent Certificate of Live Berth (State Berth Certificate)/Affidavit of Fact(s) regarding Multiple Counts of Various Fraud pertaining to U.S. Citizenship/Notice of Claim for Damages in relation to Multiple Counts of Various Fraud pertaining to U.S. Citizenship", sent August 9, 2016 A.D. via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail with Return Receipt Numbers 70060810000221210129 (To: Pope Francis - the Holy See of Peter, Vatican City State; Rome, via John F. Kerry - Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State), 70121640000212561170 (To: Pope Francis, via Penny Pritzker - Secretary of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce), 70121640000212561132 (To: Pope Francis, via Jack Lew - secretary of Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury), 70060810000221210235 (To: Pope Francis, via Barack H. Obama Jr. - U.S. President C.E.O.), and 70060810000221210242 (To: Pope Francis, via Carolyn Colvin - Commissioner, Social Security Administration Headquarters); and
WHEREAS, "All Roads lead to Rome" and "Everyone must worship under their own Vine and Fig Tree"
NOW, THEREFORE, I Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El, A North American Moorish/Muurish/Maurish-National, also known as a Native Moorish/Muurish/Maurish-American, of the Asiatic Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Nation, do hereby acknowledge that #1- the North American Organic Continental Land where UNITED STATES, CANADA, and MEXICO have made Fraudulent Crooked Shady Business, to actually and factually, by way of proper designation, be that of Turtle Island, Land of the Frogs, Muu-lan, Atlan, Amexem, Al Moroc, Al Maghrib Al Aqsa, Egypt-of-the-West, etc., #2- the Many Various Colonial Land Record Divisional Corporate Agencies and Corporate Sub-Agencies, through the Many Various Corporate Courts, conveying all of these Bogus Titles through all of these Bogus Deeds, to be Fraudulent and Void Ab Initio (from the beginning), and #3- the Many Various Local, County, Regional, State, and Federal Policy-Men and Policy-Women (otherwise known as "Roman-Soldier" Police), enforcing Bogus De facto Corporate UNITED STATES/CANADA/MEXICO Policy (which equates to Mafia-Style Armed-Extortion, Criminal Bribery, Gang-Rape/Gang-Banging, etc.), not De jure Law, to be Foreigners of and to the land and Criminal Imposters pretending to be Law Enforcement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set the Great Seal of the Asiatic Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Nation, to be affixed this 31st day of August, 2016 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar), 9th day of the Lunar Moon, 1437 A.H. (Mayan 13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
__________________________________________________________Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El Autograph and Certification Mark (Right Thumb)Acting Prime Minister/Acting Sultan/Acting Consul General