Asiatic Moorish/Muurish/Maurish Nation
26, 2016 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar)
14th Day, Electric Moon, 1437 A.H. (13-Moon Calendar/Marrakesh Year)
To: Michael C. Bodson – President/Chief Executive officer
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0810 0002 2121 0204)
Christine Lagarde – Managing Director
International Monetary Fund
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0810 0002 2121 0105)
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. – President/Chief Executive Officer
United States Federal Corporation
(U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Number 7006 0810 0002 2121 0112)
Property: Certificate of Live Birth Bond issued by STATE-OF-GEORGIA, State File Number 26433, Custodian’s Number 1614, in Month and Year of May 1965 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar), taken out on Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity U.S. Corporate Public Person “ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL”
Human Collateral serving as the source of value for property: Natural “Flesh and Blood” Asiatic Melanin-Rich Genetically-Dominant HUE-Child (Boy) of Moorish/Muurish/Maurish-Descent, now a HUE-Man (Adult), Naturally-Identified as Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El, who is Naturally-Acting to give notice in this particular document
Pursuant to Divine Law/Ancient Law/Natural Law/Spiritual Law, Affidavit of Fact(s) regarding Multiple Counts of Various Fraud on the Contract pertaining to U.S. Citizenship (sent August 10, 2016 A.D., via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Numbers 70060810000221210129 to U.S. Department of State – Secretary of State John Kerry, 70121640000212561170 to U.S. Department of Commerce – Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, 70121640000212561132 to U.S. Department of Treasury – Secretary Jacob Lew, 70060810000221210235 to U.S. Federal Corporation – President/C.E.O. Barack Obama, and 70060810000221210242 to Social Security Administration Headquarters – Commissioner Carolyn Colvin, with Corresponding Affidavits of Notices of Non-Response), and Indigenous Notice of Acknowledgement (sent on August 31, 2016 A.D., via U.S.P.S. Certified Mail Numbers 70060810000221210143 to U.S. Federal Corporation – President/C.E.O. Barack Obama, 70060810000221210136 to U.S. Department of State – Secretary of State John Kerry, 70121640000212561163 to STATE-OF-MARYLAND Governor Larry Hogan, and 70060810000221210150 to Circuit Court Corporation of Maryland for Baltimore City – Clerk of the Court/Chief Administrative Judge), the above-mentioned Certificated Security Financial Instrument is hereby officially reclaimed and restored back to the Proper (Rightful) Holder-in-Due-Course and the Collateral (Surety for and Accommodation Party to the Legal Person displayed on the Security Financial Instrument) is hereby captured.
On the CERTIFICATE-OF-LIVE-BIRTH Financial Certificated Security Instrument, State File Number 26433, Custodian’s Number 1614, Date of Filing: 5/18/1965 A.D. (Julian/Gregorian Calendar), which has been registered at Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (One of the Principal Operating Subsidiaries being Depository Trust Company), with DTCC/DTC now being disingenuously-listed as Holder-in-Due-Course, it clearly deceptively says “This is to certify that this is a true and correct copy of the certificate filed with the Vital Records Service, Georgia Department of Human Resources. This Certified Copy is issued under the authority of Chapter 31-10, Vital Records, Code of Georgia.” The Person on this particular Certificated Security Financial Instrument is in fact an Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity Corporate Person which exist only in the Imaginary Make-Believe World known as “The Public.”
The Legal Entities known particularly as STATE-OF-GEORGIA, UNITED STATES, DEPOSITORY TRUST & CLEARING CORPORATION/DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, WORLD BANK, and BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, are in fact also Artificial/Fictitious Corporate Persons (otherwise known as “Corporations) which also furthermore exist only in the Imaginary Make-Believe World known as “The Public.”
It is generally-known that the Legal Entity “Public” Person displayed on the Birth Certificate (“ROGER ALLEN MOORE/RAAJ AMEXEM MOOR RAFA EL”) is registered at the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Birth Certificate Bond is then held in trust for the Federal Reserve at Depository Trust Company. Funds, known as Money of Account, is then given to UNITED STATES Federal Corporation as a credit from the International Monetary Fund, which totals the pre-calculated taxable labor amount for the working life of the surety person on the Birth Certificate. This process, unknowingly to the parents, converts the newborn into Human Collateral, Human Property (Live-Stock), and Human Resources. Their Human Energy (Biological Property) is stolen which is equivalent to Child-Kidnapping (Human Trafficking).
Certificate (Black’s Law Dictionary – Abridged Eighth Edition): n. 1. A document in which a fact is formally attested.
Certify (Black’s Law Dictionary – Abridged Eighth Edition): vb. 1. To authenticate or verify in writing. 2. To attest as being true or as meeting certain criteria.
Register (Black’s Law Dictionary Abridged 8th Edition): n. 4. Ecclesiastical Law. A record book of significant events occurring in a parish, including marriages, births, christenings, and burials. - Registers became required in England around 1530.
Register vb. 1. To enter in a Public Registry. 2. To enroll formally. 3. To make a record of.
Title (Black’s Law Dictionary – Abridged Eighth Edition): 1. The union of all elements (as ownership, possession, and custody) constituting the Legal Right to control and dispose of property. 2. Legal Evidence of a person’s ownership rights in property; an instrument (such as a deed) that constitutes such evidence.
Fraud (Black’s Law Dictionary – Abridged Eighth Edition): n. 1. A knowing misrepresentationof the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment.
Fraud – Count One: Exactly what fact was supposedly/allegedly attested to, in direct relation to the STATE-OF-GEORGIA Certificate of Live Birth Financial Security Instrument, when all persons, and therefore all events, are Make-Believe and/or Imaginary which makes the facts untrue?
Fraud – Count Two: What Bonafide Title was established and/or conveyed in this particular STATE-OF-GEORGIA Certificate of Live Birth Financial Security Instrument Transaction when all persons, and therefore all events surrounding said persons, are in fact Make-Believe and/or Imaginary? Fictitious People make no claims and pass no title.
Fraud – Count Three: How exactly does one register Artificial, Fictitious, Make-Believe, and/or Imaginary Persons which could only then serve to establish Make-Believe Imaginary Interests? And would that not make the Registrar(s) the same exact status and same capacity as the Registrant (as only an Artificial Person may interact with any other Artificial Person)?
Fraud – Count Four: Would not the said Certificate of Live Birth/Registration Document be bogus ab initio (from the beginning)?
Fraud – Count Five: Would not the alleged/supposed Holder-in-Due-Course Interests in the Bogus STATE-OF-GEORGIA Certificate of Live Birth Financial Security Instrument (with purported collateral), claimed to be held specifically by Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation/Depository Trust Company, be furthermore bogus ab initio (from the beginning)?
The origin of the Diabolically-Schematic Inventions of these Many Various Highly-Injurious Corporations currently plaguing the Totalitarian Dictatorship-Style U.S. Corporate Society, which has been Psychologically-Overlayed in North America (Psychological Operation - Psy Op), stems from the Romans and refined and improved upon by England, England being an English-Speaking Nation of a Catholic-Christian Empire with United States proudly serving as it’s proxy. “All Roads lead to Rome.”
The Unconstitutional UNITED STATES Federal Corporation, created in the year 1871, is no doubt “Rome seated in the West” (which makes current U.S. President/C.E.O. Barack Obama Modern-Day “Caesar of Rome” and makes all of the current STATE-OF Corporate Governors of all present-day Corporate States Caesar’s Deputies).
Raaj Amexem Moor Rafa El is not Roman, Catholic, Roman Catholic, Christian, Englishman, Heathen, Heretic, Protestant, Ward, Minor, Minority, Tax Payer, Peon, Applicant, Debtor, U.S. Citizen, U.S. Resident, U.S. Subject, U.S. Driver, U.S. Customer, U.S. Voter, U.S. Constituent, Employee, Foreigner, Immigrant, Alien, Refugee, Human Resource, etc., etc., etc.
Any Brutally-Provoking Unwarranted Act(s), National and/or International, to accost, intercept, threaten, hinder, deter, etc. Raaj Rafa El, while asserting his Natural Right to reclaim the Natural Status of Rightful (De jure) Holder-in-Due-Course, and redeem the Natural Collateral thereof, by any agents and/or sub-agents of Roman Policy Jurisdiction, would be a Continued Act-of-War resulting in Raaj Rafa El continuing to be forced to commercially-survive and commercially-exist under State-Sponsored Terror, Threat, Duress, and Coercion.
In Law and in Truth
(In the Spirit of Peace, not War)